Veneer edge milling machine test

Veneer edge milling machine test

For door making, most of customers prefer to laminate 3-4mm thick veneer on solid wood door to improve the outlooking. In order to process the veneer well, customer needs have following machines

1. Horizontal band saw. Cut timber into 3-4mm thick veneer

2. Veneer edge milling machine to mill the two edges of veneer

3. Veneer splicer to splice veneer into large sheet

4. Glue spreader to spread glue on the door surface

5. Hot press machine to laminate veneer and door core board together.

Among those steps, veneer edge milling is very important. If veneer edge is not perfect straight, veneer splicing will get bad effect. Precision is the most important for edge milling. In order to make sure the precision, machine frame is designed in heavy duty. After welding, the frame undergoes tempering treatment. Stable and precision running can be assured.
